The Perfect Website Landing Page

Captures the attention of the visitor with an offer, image or video that is above the fold. Provides multiple methods of contact and is fully automated. States a USP (Unique Selling Proposition) and is fully mobile friendly. Builds credibility by having a video and a testimonials section. All things that I can personally help you build online. ;)

  • Provide A Strong Call To Action
  • Offer Your USP w/ Multiple Contact Options
  • Say What Separates YOU From Competition




Briefly Describe You

You shoud share a quick something about you and state what separates you from your competition. What makes you unique is very important and will allow your visitors to connect with you. This acts as a qualifier and those that you don't connect with will most likely not contact you. This saves you a lot of time, and energy. Use the 80-20 rule to your advantage.

As you can see on this page, I placed some recent testimonials to build credibility with the audience and then I reserved this spot to focus on something unique about you and tell your story or share your unique selling proposition. This is an important space on your website. Approximately 50-70% of those visiting your website will be viewing this area. Take your time and come up with a 3-5 good paragraphs in this location. You can do it!

More Feature Section

This section is below the fold and you can use it to tell more about your product, service, business, and or opportunity. Give this some thought because if your visitor is below the fold, they are interested in your product and this is the area where the sale may be made.

  • For example, one key benefit of my service is that I am here to personally help you. If you are trying to learn how to get your business online, you may have many questions and I know many people get confused on how to make the technology work.
  • Another feature of my working with Think Big Websites is that I also provide you all the tools you need. I will explain each step and provide you with all the marketing tools that you will get you online and this is inlcuded in every plan.
  • I always like providing three features or bullet points. My last feature is that we also provide hosting with maintenance so we have you 100% covered.

Have Multiple Ways For People To Contact You

Use A Contact Form For Your Email Marketing
(Fully Automated Demo)